Blog Erasmus+ Acción Clave K1 de mobilidade de profesorado
sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2022
Matemáticas no último ano do Bacharelato
viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2022
Last day!
Venres, 9 de decembro de 2022
Hoxe é o noso último día nesta cidade aprendendo a súa lingua e cultura. Unha das principais cousas que nos levamos destes días foi coñecer xente de diferentes continentes e países, aprender cousas da súa cultura e a importancia de poder comunicarnos con eles e elas. Dende Guatemala ou Chile ata Ucraína, pasando por Arabia Saudí, Burgos ou Cádiz, todos aportamos un pouco aos demais e compartímolo grazas ao idioma que temos en común, o inglés. Posiblemente non sexa o inglés máis correcto pero estamos aprendendo e podemos empregalo para comunicarnos.
Edimburgo, inspiración de historias máxicas?
Escocia é un país cunha gran cultura e berce de grandes historias reais e de ficción. Unha destas historias é a de Harry Potter xa que se cre que en Edinburgh J.K. Rowling escribiu estes libros. Un dos cementerios históricos, o de Greyfriars, ten lápidas con nomes que aparecen na saga coma por exemplo a de Tom Riddle ou do poeta William McGonagall. A escola ao carón deste cementerio, George Heriot, foi inspiración para a escola de maxia de Hogwarts e Victoria Street ten gran parecido co Callejón Diagon!
Unha das curiosidades é que na Universidade de Edimburgo hai unha ceremonia de graduación na que os alumnos reciben un toque cun sombreiro histórico, será… O sombreiro seleccionador das casas de Hogwarts?
Clases de inglés nun día complexo
jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2022
Historias para non durmir
Situacion complicada no ensino en Hungría.
A Maxia da Diversidade nas Aulas e na Sociedade
Artículo extraído con permiso do blog da plataforma ELA (Erasmus Language Academy) de Bolonia. Pódese atopar o blog orixinal aquí.
The Magic of Diversity in the Classroom and in Society
As teachers and education staff, we always aim for our students to be successful, to have the right knowledge, skills and attitudes to find their place in the society we live in. Our modern society is extremely diversified as well as multicultural, as such, promoting diversity and tolerance in the classroom has become a crucial goal for teachers, schools and adult education organizations. Building emphatic and open-minded characters can make a real impact for learners and for the whole society.
The new edition of the course “Diversity in the classroom: teaching tolerance and overcoming prejudices and discrimination” took place in Bologna from 27/11/2022 to 03/12/2022. The participants came from all across Europe, with João, Maribela and Hugo from Colégio dos Plátanos in Portugal, Felix from Etablissement secondaire de Nyon-Marens in Switzerland, Marija from Osnovna škola Rovišće in Croatia, Steluta, Madalina and Simona from Scoala Gimnaziala Viziru in Romania, Jelena, Sladjana and Aleksandar from Music school "Stevan Hristić" in Serbia, Juan from IES Xesús Taboada Chivite in Spain, Nada from HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht/Stichting Hogeschool Utrecht in the Netherlands.
The first key step of the course was to explore the concept of identity. In this part, the teachers carried out a hands-on and visual activity on how participants see their personalities from the outside and on how they express their own identities. The participants reflected on the difference between their exterior appearance and their own deep personal characteristics and values. Next, we talked about how our identities can affect our perception of the world and of others.
One of the subjects that we need to cover in an international course is undoubtedly identity images. We talked about the rituals, relationships and restrictions of each individual in our course, which included participants from many different countries. We discussed the impact of the country they live in, their personalities, and their environment on these 3 elements. In this discussion, we focused on making connections between identity images and diversity.
It is a known fact that we cannot immerse ourselves in the concept of diversity without mentioning the concept of stereotypes. We discussed how we create stereotypes, the effect the environment on it, and how these stereotypes affect our lives in a good or bad way. We held an agree-disagree activity to see how stereotypes shape our lives and how attached we are to these stereotypes.
Moreover, we touched a really sensitive topic: discrimination and privilege. In this section, we reflected and discussed about how privileged we are and how it can impact our lives positively or negatively. We also played an activity in which the participants experimented with working in a team that had different characteristics. What we wanted the participants to focus on in this activity was that despite all the differences, everyone could come together and overcome a problem, or a task. Thus, we saw how it’s possible to use our privileges to create unity and effective teamwork.
The last but not least important point of the week was empathy and conflict management. Being able to empathize gives us a lot: it strengthens our communication and interpersonal relations and improves our helping and sharing skills. In addition, our social development, respect for differences, and increasing tolerance are possible with empathy.
After all, it was a bright week full of new knowledge, diversity, empathy, new experiences and new people, practice, deep conversations and thoughts, ideas and emotions.
miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2022
Hungría Bilingüe
Matemáticas no último ano do Bacharelato
Tamén no último curso do Bacharelato, e inda que logo terán uns exames globais nacionais, aquí seguen a traballar moito co gran grupo. De fe...
Tamén no último curso do Bacharelato, e inda que logo terán uns exames globais nacionais, aquí seguen a traballar moito co gran grupo. De fe...
Finalmente, pola tarde asistimos ás clases da profesora Margarida Freitas de Língua Portuguesa não materna , neste caso na Biblioteca, a pr...
O segundo día no Agrupamento de escolas do Freixo puidemos asistir á clase de Robótica , unha materia que teñen dende que en 2006 se creou ...